Every Spring, performers of all ages, from pre-school to senior citizens, come to the Oundle Festival to perform in their chosen fields of music, speech & drama.

Although it is a competitive festival, the emphasis is on performing in a friendly atmosphere, and at the same time receiving helpful criticism from adjudicators who are experts in their field and who will encourage all participants to improve their skills.


Chairman: Gwen Radcliffe
Vice Chairman: Gill Potts
Treasurer: Diana Awdry

OFMD is affiliated to the British and International Federation of Festivals


“A very good example of the best in spirit, organization and performance within our Festival movement.”

Federation Report
Find out more at the BIFF website:  www.federationoffestivals.org.uk


Oundle Festival of Music & Drama is a not-for-profit organisation providing performance opportunities for amateur performers of all ages.

The support of our Patrons and Sponsors helps us to keep entry fees as reasonable as possible.

Want to help by becoming a Patron? For more information, please visit our Patrons Page


Donations are most welcome to support the Festival.

You can download our Donation and Gift Aid Form and return it to: Diana Awdry – OFMD Treasurer, The Old Station House, Oundle, Peterborough, PE8 5LA

or make a direct donation via PayPal